The first mistake is when you are sick, instead of the doctor, a parent voluntarily allow your child to buy drugs. In a few cases, the voluntary drug does not lead to any harm when they are only mild dysfunction, no significant damage to entities. But the self-medication for children that could become drugs of abuse leads to the most inestimable harm. There have been cases of children with fever but parents file for antibiotic chloramphenicol (name of specific drugs formerly known Tifomycine) often lead to children being "aplastic anemia" leading to death.
Mistake Monday that parents use the old prescription. Be aware that, every prescription a doctor after medical record diagnosis reserved for an individual at a time and in certain conditions. Many parents use the old car by thinking that your child has recurrent disease, but disease recurrence is often older than progression, or symptoms may seem similar but are different diseases. In both cases, using the old prescription is wrong, even dangerous.
Many people take medication for children with the concept of children as small adults, children need to actually own medicines, even medicines and equipment separately.
Tuesday mistakes parents allow your child to correct a wrong dose prescription. Where data are often not used because of a fear of harmful drugs for children (so instead of giving children three to four times, the only one to two times / day), or due to improper medication (such as mix bottle feeding and children not fully finish bottles). As for young drug overdose, the psychological anxious to soon run out of sick children, was accrued from various medications over a few times a day, or drug use measuring device incorrectly (such as using measuring spoons to eat volume administered to children instead of syrup equipment is provided).
Wednesday mistake is not suitable to use as drugs: drug form suitable for children as liquid medicine (syrup, oral drops, suspension, emulsion). But there are cases where parents use drugs for adults are compressed tablets, crush the tablet into powder and oral dosage for children (such as paracetamol 500mg member and get crushed 1 / 4 regulate drinking water for children). Doing so can get the wrong dose or form of drug damage, harm to children (how drugs destroy soluble form in the intestine will harm young stomachs). There are a number of tablets to be informed "contraindicated for children under 12 years old," but parents see their children as adults went high to allow your child, without thinking of the limited production of drug users is for justifiable reasons.
Thursday mistakes parents kept good medicines to children can get used. The press has reported several cases of children taking drugs that keep parents are not careful, to suicide. Or parents taking anti-nausea patches form on the skin then remove promiscuity, children get stuck into the skin and poisoning.
In addition, there are some mistakes that was most severe level, as if to scare parents taking children to create tension rather soft, convincing young patient medication. Parent drug or mix into the flour, milk or food or drinks. Picky eating or sensitive taste will respond, refused food that previously preferred. Older children can be fooled but I lost faith in their parents.
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