How well dental care?

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  • Thursday, December 29, 2011
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  • Dental care how well?According to statistics of Hospital Dentistry Central 7 / 2011. More than 90% of the population suffer from dental problems. What oral health care is enough and how the right way?

    Age to start brushing teeth?
    The Daily brushing should be formed very soon after the baby was very young. The set for her habit of brushing their teeth at a time is best remains controversial. Experts on oral said: Ages brush set for the best baby from 3-4 years old. However, earlier when the first baby teeth appear, parents or baby sitters to know how to clean up the backlog of plaque on teeth, gums to prevent gum disease may occur. Specifically as:
    - For children under 1 year : every day parents must use gauze, soft cloth wrapped on his finger dipped in cooled boiled water, rub your baby's teeth and gums to clean the baby teeth.
    - For children 1-2 years old: In addition to daily towels, gauze wipe the teeth, gums of the child, parents should brush their teeth for children and training for children form the habit of brushing with a bristle brush type soft, small age-appropriate.
    - For children ages 3 and up : Children can brush your teeth (brushing teeth) and parental supervision.
    It reminded her brush clean thoroughly every day regularly is very important to help children form the habit of brushing soon after meals and before bed, to remove the existing plaque feed deposits on teeth cleaning teeth and gums. If we do not care for clean teeth and gums clean, careful, this is the cause of tooth decay, gum.

    Improper Brushing teeth can fracture
    Many studies have shown: "When oral care early, thoroughly, we can keep the teeth for life." But the problem is important to brush your teeth like a good and effective way to prevent gum disease.According to experts, if improper brushing, such as horizontal as Scissor Pull saw tooth will fall, have interests, that will be worn, even broken horizontal brush effect rang.Thao always allow only the chewing surface.
    Dental care how well?, Tooth - Ham - hand, life health, dental disease, tooth brushing, tooth decay, brush teeth,

    Proper brushing will prevent tooth decay.

    Actions are placed properly combed brush tilted 45 degrees below the gum line. Brush gently vertically or in a circle on the teeth and gums. Repeat this movement for all the teeth. Brush the outside, the inside of the tooth vertically. For the chewing surface of teeth, brush lightly horizontally.Note to brush the outside, the inside of the tooth brush with mild shaking motion in place several times, just vibrating brush has moved toward the chewing surface, each repeat region from 60 to 10 times.
    Choosing a toothbrush also equally important, choose a toothbrush with soft bristles moderate, small head to get into the same corner of the teeth. If you choose a stiff brush will damage the teeth and gums. When brushing your teeth should not brush too hard because this action is not clean teeth, but also makes the brush quickly broken.

    Brushing several times a day?
    Experts recommend daily brushing with fluoride toothpaste at least two times after the meal. So after eating (especially with foods high in starch, sugar), just 5-10 minutes a bacterial fermentation acids has likely broke the tooth enamel. Thus, one measures decay per day is effective: how many meals they eat brush after meals that many times. Time to brush your teeth at least 2 minutes. If it is difficult to do this regularly, you can drink more water after eating. This is the way to gargle, wash helps remove plaque, helps clean teeth healthy.
    So, if we are early dental care, careful, thorough, regular daily brushing with fluoride cream will help us to avoid redundancy and tooth decay, gum. This is a scientific measure, easy to implement, relatively inexpensive, effective way to prevent tooth decay, gum for everyone, everyone. How good are the problems mentioned above, we can help keep teeth - gums healthy for life. 

    The danger of tooth decay
    Tooth decay starts in enamel mineral loss. If not diagnosed early and treated promptly, tooth decay will have progressed from deep holes and deep dentin and enamel to myelitis. Aching tooth stimulation (after Russia), that spontaneous pain (myelitis) to children and even adults difficulty in chewing and activities. It makes eating difficult to digest poor long-term health affects the entire body, affecting the growth and development ... Childhood infections from tooth decay can be moved to the heart causes subacute endocarditis, to rheumatoid arthritis, to the lungs causing pneumonia ...


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