Misconceptions when fever for children

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  • Tuesday, December 27, 2011
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  • Misconceptions when fever childrenDo you know about fever medication? Dose, taste, side effects or complications unpredictable when lack of knowledge about antipyretic drugs for children have made you worry. We will help you ease the burden when the body temperature of children increase dramatically. Most, fever is the body's response to combat infections.
    Many parents often use methods to help them reduce fever, such as take off my clothes, sponged with warm water and drink plenty of water for children. However, in reality, many parents still use these methods as well as misconception about fever will inadvertently harm children health.
    Misconceptions when fever children, Pediatrics, Health Life,
    1001 misconceptions about fever
    Ice is one of the many options with the concept helps the body are high fever rapidly cooled by contact with water or a cold towel. However, applying ice, the skin blood vessels to shrink and limit the activities of waste heat through the skin. This method is not recommended for use unscientific.
    Misconceptions when fever children, Pediatrics, Health Life,
    In addition, many parents try to use a popular fever, fever medication to avoid for fear of side effects.This is one of the misconceptions about fever medication. According to Pham Minh Triet masters, online rooms Organization: "The case of child fever from 38.5 degrees C (measured in the armpit) is recommended for baby fever medication. However, there are some cases where the temperature is 38.5 degrees C, doctors still recommend using antipyretics to children with symptoms of agitation, was not playing as well, child history of high fever due to co shock ".
    Misconceptions when fever children, Pediatrics, Health Life,
    Dividing the dose is very important for anyone, any age, not only in children. According to health experts, about 27% statistical infant fever medication overdose. The use of antipyretic drugs overdose in children will hurt serious liver and kidney. The damage this silently so hard to prevent mother. So, to avoid the shame, the parents should give children fever medication doses accurately by weight. Or divided doses according to age (if she is not obese or malnourished). All information is written on the products to help children quickly if fever cases not take her to the hospital promptly.
    Not only that, many people still have the concept of antipyretics may damage the nervous child.Master Pham Minh Triet said: "The case of an overdose will be prescribed to liver damage and injuries related to the nerve usually is the result of the damage this causes." In addition to taking an appropriate amount, the parents should also pay attention to the interval between doses is 4 hours and taking no more than 5 times a day. 
    Misconceptions when fever children, Pediatrics, Health Life,
     Recipes chosen effective antipyretics
    According to survey data reported by the Family and Social Affairs, Ministry of Health, approximately 65% of parents are dissatisfied with antipyretic drugs are not used as efficiently as desired. And one of the reasons for parental care is an effective, efficient, with instruments to measure the exact amount of drugs together. Of which 64% of mothers choose your preferred antipyretics easy to drink for children and 51% said that the effectiveness of the drug is the first choice. But choose what fruits antipyretics is not easy when the market today have numerous antipyretics for sale.
    First, the parents should choose the form of syrup, fever medication, lotions, oral suspension for baby easier and better absorption.
    Misconceptions when fever children, Pediatrics, Health Life,
    Compared with the effervescent powder fever, when he and taking this form of rest, the stomach will cause horizontal gas generated by the effervescent powder can not escape it causes discomfort, reflux easily. While mixed service was safe, she can finish taking sleep better.
    The mother should choose the drug that sweet, perfumed baby no aversion to taking drugs. The market is more fever-reducing drugs are easy drinking fruity, with good taste like candy to create liking for children. In addition, the dose measuring instrument can also be important because antipyretics do not need a prescription.
    Misconceptions when fever children, Pediatrics, Health Life,


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