PHNOM PENH (Cambodia Herald) - Cambodia hopes to attract at least one million Chinese tourists a year by 2020, Tourism Minister Thong Khon said Tuesday.“It's a new trend for the world to urge Chinese tourists to visit their countries," he told The Cambodia Herald. "Cambodia has enough ability to attract at least a million Chinese tourists.”
Thong Khon noted that the World Tourism Organization had advised that the number of Chinese tourists is expected to reach 100 million a year by 2020.
The number of Chinese tourists visiting Cambodia has been increasing at annual rates of between 30 and 40 percent, reaching about 200,000 in 2011.
Thong Khon said Cambodia needed to create more interesting “new products” to attract more tourists. “We also have to prepare enough hotels and guesthouses as well as Chinese-speaking guides," he said.
The minister said that newly-launched direct flights from Siem Reap to Sihanoukville aimed to attract more foreign tourists.
He also said that almost 100,000 tourists attended the New Year Sea Festival in Sihanoukville over the weekend, almost double that predicted, and that the Ministry of Tourism would use the new festival to attract more Chinese tourists.
Thong Khon noted that the World Tourism Organization had advised that the number of Chinese tourists is expected to reach 100 million a year by 2020.
The number of Chinese tourists visiting Cambodia has been increasing at annual rates of between 30 and 40 percent, reaching about 200,000 in 2011.
Thong Khon said Cambodia needed to create more interesting “new products” to attract more tourists. “We also have to prepare enough hotels and guesthouses as well as Chinese-speaking guides," he said.
The minister said that newly-launched direct flights from Siem Reap to Sihanoukville aimed to attract more foreign tourists.
He also said that almost 100,000 tourists attended the New Year Sea Festival in Sihanoukville over the weekend, almost double that predicted, and that the Ministry of Tourism would use the new festival to attract more Chinese tourists.
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