An eyelash or simply lash is one of the hairs that grow at the edge of the eye lid. They are the short curved hairs that grow from the edges of the eyelids. The functioning of eyelash is to protect the eye from the debris and save eyes from insect and dust by providing a warning that an object is near the eye, which is then closed reflexively. The important aspect about the eye lashes are that it take about seven to eight week to grow back if pulled out and there is also have possibility that their color may differ from that of the hair, but they can be dark on someone with dark hair and lighter on someone with light hair.
Eyelashes is comes in the issues of looks and beauty due to which women spend more time on keeping their eyelashes attractive, but both genders have to take care of their eyelashes because they need to grow eyelashes from early on in their life, as their lashes are naturally quite short and may find that as they age, they need to consider doing something to grow eyelashes as they are getting thinner like the hair on their head. Basically, for looking attractive, women used mascara for years to enhance the beauty of their eyelashes. They have added color, length, and thickness to drab, lackluster eyes. It looked like you were able to grow eyelashes when applied correctly. Many times, the mascara would clump, dry, or wear off before the end of the day and need to be reapplied. It took a lot of work, but eyes looked pretty. This is not so good for eyesand eyelashes both due to harmful ingredients and sooner or longer its will affect both.
It is better to use EverLASHing, eyelash growth serum for growing longer eyelashes. It is clinically proven to enhance the thickness, fullness and length of your eyelashes. All you have to do is paint it on like eyeliner. Regular eyeliner and mascara can be applied over EverLASHing once it is dried
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