Life Long Treatment with Medicines for Type 1 diabetes

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  • Sunday, January 22, 2012
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  • Question: I have been feeling extremely fatigued and losing weight. Although I have been eating quite a lot, I am hungry all the time. It is alarming, as the natural thing is to gain weight if you eat, but the reverse is the case for me. What do you think is wrong with me? Do you think I have any fatal illness? I am considering seeking medical opinion, although whatever assistance you can give me will be helpful.

    Answer: Judging by your symptoms, it seems as if you have Type 1 diabetes. Weight loss, extreme fatigue, blurred vision, increased thirst and frequent urination is an indicator of Type 1 diabetes or diabetes mellitus Type 1. According to the WHO more than 346 million people the world over is affected with diabetes. The WHO further stated that more than 80% of deaths related to diabetes occur in low to middle income countries. These statistics will double by year 2030. However, millions of people go about their lives normally by controlling Type 1 diabetes with medications. Medicines such as commonly prescribed Novolog have proven efficacy in treating Type 1 diabetes. It can be ordered from an accredited Canada Pharmacy at fraction of the cost of high street pharmacy prices, due to price regulations within whichCanadapharmacies operate.
    What is Type 1 Diabetes?

    Type 1 diabetes occurs when the pancreas that produces insulin does not produce adequate amounts of insulin in order to regulate blood sugar. Insulin is vital for sugar to produce energy. Without adequate or proper amounts of insulin, glucose builds up in the bloodstream. The build up of glucose in the bloodstream disables the body’s use of glucose. This, as a result, leads to Type 1 diabetes. Along with observations of other symptoms, a blood sugar test will confirm high levels of blood sugar to arrive at a proper diagnosis.

    What is the Cause of Type 1 Diabetes?

    Unfortunately, the exact cause of Type 1 diabetes is unknown. Through extensive research, it has been found that most often an autoimmune disorder or an infection causes Type 1 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is also hereditary. However, there is no certain cause for this condition. Whatever the cause, it is necessary to seek medical attention as it can affect most major organs in the body. These include heart, nerves, eyes and kidneys. As Type 1 diabetes strike at early stages, identifying it before the condition affect major organs is critical.
    What other Symptoms is Indicative of the Condition?

    Common symptoms of Type 1 diabetes are frequent thirst and urination, hunger, fatigue, tingling in the feet etc. Other symptoms that indicate Type 1 diabetes are flushed face, nausea and vomiting and the inability to keep down fluids, rapid breathing, stomach pain etc. People suffering from type 1 diabetes also lose weight rapidly, despite their high levels of calorie intake and binge eating urges. These symptoms may occur on or before the blood sugar levels increase. Therefore, it is necessary to seek medical advice if any of these symptoms are experienced.
    How to Prevent or Treat Type 1 Diabetes?

    Type 1 diabetes can be prevented or managed to some degree by maintaining a healthy body weight, exercising regularly, and healthy diet low in sugars and fats and stopping smoking. Treatment methods of Type 1 diabetes depend on how early it is diagnosed. Medication may be prescribed if fasting blood sugar test or glycated haemoglobin (A1C) test indicates high blood sugar. Treating Type 1 diabetes is a lifelong commitment. Patients may have to take insulin and monitor blood sugar levels on a weekly basis.
    What is Novolog?

    Novolog is one of the most well established medications used in treating Type 1 diabetes. It can be used by adults and children who are above 2 years. The medication contains insulin aspart. It is available as NovoRapid outside theUnited States. NovoRapid is used along with long-acting insulin. The medication is available in cartridge, vial and flexpen form at Big Mountain Pharmacy an accredited Canadian Online Pharmacy. Low pricedCanada drugs of this nature makes life long treatment regimes needed by Type 1 diabetes a possibility for many middle and lower income families.
    Are there Side Effects with the Medication?

    Every medication reacts in a different manner with each person. Therefore, side effects can be expected. The most common side effect of the medication is a rash at the injected site. Immediate medical attention is necessary if experiencing severe side effects such as symptoms of hypoglycaemia, symptoms of low potassium levels and allergies.
    What is the Prognosis for Type 1 Diabetes?

    Type 1 diabetes cannot be cured. However, it can be managed with proper medication such as Novolog and lifestyle changes. Left untreated diabetes can be fatal. Seeking medical advice upon the detection of any relevant symptoms is critical for a healthy life.


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