Kristina Rei, a Russian girl that desperate to look like Jessica Rabbit and becomes the world’s biggest lips after having 100 silicone injections.
With a cost of more than £ 4,000, 22-year-old girl was sure her thin lips make her look bad so she chose to have them enlarged as her favorite cartoon character, Jessica Rabbit.
One injection costs about £ 40 and highly painful, but Kristina insisted would not stop because she claimed to has been addicted.
Kristina went to a local beauty parlour for her first lip injection when she was 17 year-old.
Although Kristina often got stares from strangers, she still loves her strange appearance.
She said: ‘I know some people think I look ridiculous but I don’t care’
She is so happy with the modification that she is planning to go further and have surgery in the future.
She said: ‘When I can afford it I want to enlarge my breasts from a C-cup to a DD, change the shape of my nose and I want to make my ears pointed like an elf. It’s good to be different.’
With a cost of more than £ 4,000, 22-year-old girl was sure her thin lips make her look bad so she chose to have them enlarged as her favorite cartoon character, Jessica Rabbit.
One injection costs about £ 40 and highly painful, but Kristina insisted would not stop because she claimed to has been addicted.
Kristina went to a local beauty parlour for her first lip injection when she was 17 year-old.
Although Kristina often got stares from strangers, she still loves her strange appearance.
She said: ‘I know some people think I look ridiculous but I don’t care’
She is so happy with the modification that she is planning to go further and have surgery in the future.
She said: ‘When I can afford it I want to enlarge my breasts from a C-cup to a DD, change the shape of my nose and I want to make my ears pointed like an elf. It’s good to be different.’
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