If You’re Already Sick
Stomach flu treatment is important so you don’t get dehydrated. Constant vomiting, along with diarrhea, is hard on your body. Your stomach gets sore and inflamed, which can make keeping anything down nearly impossible. Plus you’re losing vital electrolytes like sodium and other minerals. Stopping the vomiting is essential, or you may be making a trip to the ER for an IV to replace fluids and electrolytes.
Sucking on ice chips can help. Don’t overdo it. When you’re sick, even an ice chip can start you to vomiting again if you suck it down too fast. When you can suck on an ice chip and keep it down, try mixing a teaspoonful of sugar and a teaspoonful of salt into a glass of water. Take tiny sips, very slowly. The sugar and salt help settle your stomach, while replenishing your electrolyte supply.
Some sources recommend tea or pop, but anything syrupy or with too much flavor may send you running for the barf bucket again. Stick with ice chips and the sugar/salt/water mixture until your tummy settles down. Drink plain water, too, once you start feeling better.
Go easy on the ibuprofen as it can make you nauseous again. Use acetaminophen sparingly, because it’s been linked to liver problems.
As you start feeling better, try sucking on popsicles. Jello is good, too. Don’t drink too much, even if you’re really thirsty. If your stomach gets distended, the nausea may return.
Don’t return to your normal activities too soon. A flu bug can really knock you for a loop. It may take several days before you really feel like yourself again.
Ways To Boost Your Immune System
Try to get a short walk in every day. People who take a half-hour walk nearly every day have more resistance to bugs than people who sit around all the time.
Wash your hands often. This is the best way to prevent the flu. The flu virus lurks everywhere, and it’s spread by your hands. So keep them clean.
Eat a wide variety of fresh fruits and veggies, including mushrooms. Other immune system boosters include garlic and vitamin C.
The stomach bug may bite you no matter what you do. But a strong immune system can make the difference between a glancing blow, and being sick as a dog for days. So take steps now to make sure you’re ready to do battle with the bugs.
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