Best 5 Types of Menstruation Disorders

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  • Monday, December 26, 2011
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  • Many women who experience pain before menstruation or menstruation Menstrual . There is dizziness, nausea, aches, abdominal pain, and some even fainted. Abdominal pain that is felt is actually caused by contractions of the uterus to remove the endometrial is also influenced by the hormone prostaglandin.
    We also feel bad because the hormones estrogen and progesterone have a balance disorder before menstruation. If the pain bearable, it still could be called normal. But if unconscious or ill remarkable, until interrupt our activity, it is suspect and should see a doctor immediately.

    Disorders and menstrual disorders there are actually many things, namely:
    Menstrual pain (dismenorrhoe)

    At the time of menstruation, women sometimes experience pain. The nature and level of pain varies, ranging from mild to severe. For severe, commonly called dismenorrhoe. State of severe pain that can interfere with daily activities.

    There are two kinds of menstrual pain:

    Primary menstrual pain, arising from the first period and will heal itself with time, exactly after stabilizing the body’s hormones or changes in position of the uterus after marriage and childbirth. Menstrual pain is normal, but can be excessive if it is influenced by psychological and physical factors, and such stress, shock, Constriction of blood vessels, chronic disease, anemia, and decreased body condition. The symptoms are not harmful to health.

    Secondary menstrual pain, usually only appear later, i.e., if there is a persistent disease or disorder such as uterine infection, cyst or polyps, tumors around the womb, uterine abnormality that interferes with the position of the organs and surrounding tissue.

    Pre menstrual syndrome

    PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome) or pre-menstrual symptoms, can accompany before or during menstruation, such as:

    * Feeling lazy to move, the body becomes weak, and easily tired.

    * Increased appetite and like to eat food that tastes sour.

    * Emotion becomes unstable. Women usually easy moody, sensitive, and other negative feelings.

    * Abdominal cramps (dismenorrhoe).

    * Head pain.

    * Fainting.

    * Weight loss increases because the body stores water in significant amounts.

    * Sore hips.

    I never experienced menstrual problems, on average within a year I only had menstruation as much as 4 times. At the time of was accompanied by menstrual pain that makes my body weak and easily fatigued. Menstrual blood that came out was very numerous and time can be up to 10 days. I already went to the doctor and was given medication.

    Visit to my house and explain the usefulness of HD products. Then I tried consuming Liquid Jelly Royale. After 1 month of usage, I already feel the results:

    Now my periods smoothly each month

    - Length of my menstrual normal, i.e. 4-5 days.

    - Pain at the time period is reduced and only felt before menstruation.

    I also added Poll energy for consumption. Until now, the HD products are still I consume. Thank God and the High-Desert, for helping me menstrual problems.


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