Know Different Types Of Sleep Problems

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  • Monday, December 26, 2011
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  • Sleep disorder Every one of us has suffered from lack of sleep at one time or another. However, few people have sleep problems due to some medical disorders. These sleep disorders can lead to poor sleep on a regular basis. Sleep disorders of several types and in various situations, combination of factors may lead to sleep problems.
    Sleep disorders are of two types, such as primary and secondary. Primary disorders are of several types, such as:

    Sleep apnea: It is a temporary suspension of breathe occurs repeatedly in sleep. It causes the person to wake-up or to come out of deep sleep into a more shallow level of sleep. Sleep apnea causes loud snoring, fatigue, daytime sleepiness, restless sleep, dizziness, shortness of breath, memory problems, blurred vision, irritability, leg swelling, headaches and droopy eyelids.

    Insomnia: It is the inability to stay asleep or fall asleep. Insomnia is two types, such as situational insomnia and chronic insomnia. Situational insomnia is due to stressful situations such as work stress, illness, emotionally upsetting events, etc.

    Narcolepsy: It is unexplained drowsiness at inappropriate period despite sufficient nighttime sleep. It involves sleep paralysis, vivid dreams and cataplexy, in which a person abruptly feels weak and collapses during the moments of strong emotions. Symptoms of narcolepsy occur at once or steadily over several years.

    Jet lag: It is a temporary disorder which causes insomnia, fatigue and several other symptoms due to air travel across the time zones.

    Restless leg syndrome: It is a severe neurological disorder characterized by unpleasant feelings in legs and an unmanageable urge to move the legs while resting to relieve the feelings. Symptoms become worse during the evening and also at rest thus preventing good night’s sleep. You can get relief when you move the legs.

    Inadequate sleep hygiene: It is also called as bad sleep habit, which is a disorder resulting from everyday living activities which are inconsistent with the maintenance of good quality sleep and full daytime alertness.

    Shift work: People who work during late hours may experience difficulty in sleeping during the day and trouble staying awake during the work at night.

    Sleep walking: It is a disorder characterized by walking or other behavior while apparently still asleep. This sleep disorder may strike at any age, however it occurs in children between the ages of 6-12.

    Sleep terror: It is a common sleep disorder among the children with rapid awakening from sleep in a terrified state. The child may scream and shake, also the child feels difficulty to wake.

    Apart from these disorders, there are several other secondary sleep disorders, such as snoring, bedwetting, hypersomnia, circadian rhythm sleep disorder, teeth grinding, environmental sleep disorder and various other conditions.


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