Mediterranean diet may increase life, experts

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  • Monday, December 26, 2011
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  • Health experts have found that following a Mediterranian style diet extends the chance of living longer by 20 per cent.
    The intake of large quantities of vegetables and fish and lesser amount of -based products like meat and milk extends the likelihood of longer life. The high-fibre, low-fat diet also reduces the risk of illnesses like heart disease and cancer. The diet has been granted World Heritage status by Unesco in 2010.

    In the new study by researchers at the University of Gothenburg, the effects of the diet on long life was compared in thousands of 70-year-olds in the local area over a period of more than 40 years.

    "This means in practice that older people who eat a Mediterranean diet live an estimated two to three years longer than those who don't," said Gianluca Tognon, an author of the study.

    The findings are supported by three different studies on the benefits of the diet on people. The three studies, which are yet to be published, looked at benefits of the diet on people in Denmark, on north of Sweden and on children, respectively.  The study was published in the Age journal.


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