Oral mucosa ulcer - Treatment by what?

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  • Thursday, December 29, 2011
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  • Oral mucosa ulcer - Treatment by what?The oral mucosa layer covering the mouth and tongue. Damage to the lining of the mouth ulcers may not have pus or pus. The disease causes pain and difficulty for the patient while eating, talking.

    Why ulcerative oral mucosa?
    There are many causes of oral mucosal ulceration, including:
    Trauma: thermal burns, eating hot food, common lesions in mouth, where also the upper teeth; due to contusion, fall, beaten; by dental procedures such as drilling fillings, dental , tooth extraction, but not just fitting dentures, tooth fractures, broken ... and children with ice cream, pen, or sharp objects hit the tongue.
    Because the effects of chemicals such as acids, lime water, mouthwash too thick, use more toothpaste but not rinse your mouth thoroughly ...
    Infections: many types of bacteria causing necrotizing ulcerative gums around the socket level, is common in malnutrition, immune deficiency, people with debilitating fatigue, smoking, poor hygiene.
    Eat oranges, lemons prevent mouth ulcers.
    Virus infection: Herpes stomatitis virus with symptoms due to the widespread blisters and sores forming, having the lips, mouth, oral mucosa, there may be fever, sore throat, swollen lymph glands.Varicella zoster virus (VZV): see the chickenpox disease, ulcers, blisters in the oral mucosa. VZV latent in nerve tissue, causing skin rashes corresponding nerve root and branch nerves influence of V causes mouth ulcers, are characterized as the same side as the pain and paresthesias. The blisters usually in the mouth, cheeks, tongue, throat sores create breaks fast. Coxsackie virus: the virus that causes hand - foot - mouth in children, trauma blisters on a red background form ulcers, occur in the oral mucosa, tongue, chicken, especially in the mouth, tongue, cheek mucosa. Rubella: cause measles, oral sign is the sign Koplik, with small erythematous macules on the cheek mucosa, white necrotic center, usually appear 1-2 days before systemic symptoms. Epstein - Barr Virus (EBV) syndrome fever, mouth ulcers following the oropharynx.
    There are also other factors that cause mouth ulcers, such as the influence of hormones; due to genetic factors; by food allergies, medicines; due to lack of vitamins: C, PP, B6, B12 ; iron deficiency; autoimmune disease ...

    Signs of mouth ulcers
    When an ulcer oral mucosa, tongue, can know the cause but also without knowing the cause, but only naturally occurring ulcers with signs: swelling of the red-hot pain, a sore very annoying especially when chewing swallowing, eating; may be an abscess in the tongue, the mucous membranes; lighter than the sores on the tongue and oral mucosa, as redness and inflammation is often very painful, even a high fever, swollen lymph glands jaw angle. In particular, the mucosal level ulcers often recur mouth, causing pain and reduced quality of life of patients. The ulcerative lesions are quite diverse: small ulcers form aphthe is most common, accounting for about 80%, typically a few to many as 1 cm diameter ulcer, agricultural, or clusters are discrete, self-healing in about 7 to 14 days and no scarring. Ulcers form large aphthe, also known as Sutton or necrotic mucosa recurrent inflammation of peripheral lymph nodes, accounting for about 10%. Lesions larger than 1cm in size, consisting of one or more ulcers, associated with the delay lasting several weeks, leaving scars widespread necrosis. Herpes sores form, but not related to the Herpes virus, the number of multiple lesions from 10 to 100 marks, damage to the beam, multiple small ulcers quickly combined into large arrays, good for about 70 to 30 days. Featuring red sores around the center with yellow array entries, pain in 2 to 3 days, gradually start fresh pain.
    Oral mucosa ulcer - Treatment by what?, Tooth - Ham - hand, health life, health, oral mucosa ulcers, trauma, infection, and how

    Damage to the lining of the mouth ulcers.

    Note in the treatment and prevention
    Treatment of mouth ulcers are mainly pain because pain is the most annoying symptoms. Most cases require no treatment but the disease goes away after 7-14 days.
    The necessary, doctors can use medications such as fever medicines; the patient gargle with hydrogen peroxide solution of 1%, local pain with local anesthetic lidocaine, using drugs anti-inflammatory, antiseptic mouth with solutions such as orabase, zilactin ...; using antiviral drugs such as acyclovir, famciclovir, alcyclovir; upon infection antibiotics.
    Can apply self-care such as oral ulcers: stop drinking alcohol, quit smoking. Do not eat spicy, salty, sour, acrid, hot. When severe pain, you can use a straw to drink water, but no hot water. Only brush in places no pain, no pain in the brush by ulcers, avoid causing further injury to the oral mucosa by brushing the tongue. Doctor when the following expression: ulcers develop more, larger unusual compared to other symptoms described above; ulcer lasts more than 3 weeks without pain despite taking the drug reduced pain; fever or fever lasting several days, but just.
    Prevention: Please note whether any have food allergies and cause mouth ulcers never eat that food again. For other types of allergy medicines have to remember to not use new drugs that prevent mouth ulcers caused by allergies. In addition to eating a balanced diet, especially foods rich in vitamins C, PP, B6, B12, such as green vegetables of all kinds, ripe fruit, oranges, lemons, grapefruit, meat, fish, eggs, milk. .. to prevent mouth ulcers due to lack of vitamin category.


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