Royal jelly skin care

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  • Wednesday, December 28, 2011
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  • Royal jelly skin careRoyal jelly skin care, Beauty, Royal jelly skin care, Beauty, Royal jelly skin care, Beauty, For women, royal jelly face great beauty, as has the ability to skin smooth, fresh. Royal jelly is up to 20 free amino acids, several levels of essential vitamins for the skin.

    Since ancient times, humans have searched for many rare and precious essences from nature to create beauty remedy to maintain beautiful, youthful features would keep forever. One of you which is pure royal jelly. From the BC, Royal Jelly is considered as a single product offers health and beauty in people.
    Royal jelly is a milky white fluid constant, is secreted from the salivary glands of worker bees, culture bee larvae become queens.
    For women, royal jelly face great beauty , as has the ability to skin smooth, fresh, because the jelly up to 20 free amino acids, several levels of important vitamins like B1 , B2, Niacin, B5 (Pantothenic axid), B6, B7 (Biotin), B9 (Folic Acid), B12, Inositol, and Choline, especially vitamin A, C, D and E are needed for the skin, and many minerals such as calcium, copper, iron, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, silicon, sulfur ... is available in royal jelly. 
    Royal jelly skin care, Beauty,
    The skin must be nourished from the inside with all the nutrients:
    Understanding that women's concern and the wonders of royal jelly. HERBACOY U.S. public research was thick and released Melissa product was extracted from 100% pure royal jelly, a very popular product popular in the U.S., now available in Vietnam.
    Royal jelly skin care, Beauty,
    Soft capsules Melissa contain many enzymes, vitamin E, Vitamin C, Taurin, b-catoren, the trace elements Se and NO are two dimensions to regulate for the endocrine system, causing the cells at the skin surface is replaced ; Tyrosine inhibited activity, blurring the deposition of melanin on the skin surface, and flavonoid components in royal jelly works very powerful antioxidant, preventing the formation free radicals in the skin, can remove brown spots, and slowing the aging process.
    Melissa jelly also work to limit the acne is very effective because the components of natural antibiotic dosage selection.
    In addition, royal jelly extract Melissa also has many other uses such as improved immunity, improved liver function, helps to relax the anti-aging and body.
    If you use lasts from 1 to 2 months, 2 capsules a day can improve the situation a positive skin pigmentation, acne and aging skin and body will be healthier, better love life with a healthy skin smooth flawless. Melissa, nourish skin from within with all the nutrients you


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