Secrets of white teeth

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  • Thursday, December 29, 2011
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  • For a bright white teeth naturally, always confident radiant smile is not difficult, just you know a few secrets below, shining smile will be the great impression that the opposite for you. You may not know, around us there are countless other natural foods can make your teeth white and bright, cheap cost and that is pretty simple, to explore circumstances:

    Olive oil
    "The gold drops" of natural teeth whitening is very gentle and harmless. Just use a clean cotton ball dipped in olive oil then rub on the teeth a few minutes, your teeth will shine more.

    Orange peel
    No need to go to the dental clinic with the expensive new materials have to be squeaky clean teeth, to have a spotless smile, you can use orange peel, rub lightly brushing teeth a few minutes and then again by cold water.

    White vinegar
    Similar to the above foods, white vinegar is also effective whitening naturally, pay you a squeaky clean teeth after only a few times the performance. The easiest, just a few drops of vinegar and toothpaste or toothbrush every dental hygiene.
    Secrets of white teeth, nice teeth, Beauty, roasted lam, lam dep, dental care,
    Lemon juice
    The food will be an acid bleach teeth effectively. However, you must be careful when using because it could lose your teeth, make teeth vulnerable and destroy trucs tooth structure. Just a few drops of lemon and a toothbrush in a time / date if oral hygiene is a mild rash enough!
    The crispness vegetables
    Carrots, celery, cucumbers or broccoli are very good foods for our teeth. Featuring a crisp, whenever you eat them, that will be more active, then, that would be a natural abrasive, take away the stains on the tooth surface, making them stronger.


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