Why is meditation useful for treating acne? Because it will help you relax, clear your mind, and get rid of stress. Stress does cause many people to breakout. It’s a big problem for those of us who are adults and continue to get acne. A little meditation everyday will help get rid of allot of that extra tension.
Alcohol – Rubbing alcohol on acne pimples is another great homemade acne treatment since alcohol helps in killing the acne causing bacteria. Douse a cotton ball with little alcohol and apply it directly on the pimples. People with sensitive or oily skin should not try this remedy as alcohol tends to dry the skin so it may worsen the problem for them.
Retin-A is a frequently prescribed blackhead treatment that is offered in form of lotion, cream, and gel. This is a very effective heal acne. The reason is that it gets under the skin to speed up the peeling of skin cells and loosen blocks. Besides, it helps you in vanishing marks on your skin occurred due to acne.
you need to clean your face properly – at least twice a day and with a mild cleanser. Obviously you should also keep you hands away from your face, but you can use natural exfoliators that can lead to highly effective cleansing and exfoliating. For instance, oatmeal, limejuice and fruit peels are all excellent exfoliators for the face. You can really achieve wonderful results removing dead skin cells if you use some of these natural exfoliants once or twice a week.
One very powerful and natural way of rejuvenating the skin is by using tomato slices on the areas with acne scars. Just put tomato slices on your face, and leave them there for about 15 minutes. Tomatoes have excellent antioxidant properties that help to rebuild the skin, so after you get rid of the dead skin you can achieve a healthier looking surface soon after.
Tomato and tomato juice has excellent properties to cure pimples. In fact tomato is effective even for cystic acne. You can apply tomato slices directly to your skin or you can apply the juice.
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