TreatmentAntibiotics are often given before an ingrown nail is removed. Even if your toe feels better after the antibiotics are complete, you still need to have the nail removed. If the ingrown nail stays intact, the infection and pain are likely to return. Partial RemovalIn some cases, removing an ingrown nail can be as simple as having a podiatrist remove the corner that is rubbing or penetrating the skin. If the toe is inflamed, this procedure would be done with a local anesthetic to numb the area. A common procedure for an ingrown nail is a partial nail removal to remove the side portion of the nail that is causing the problem. The podiatrist will inject a local anesthetic, cut the nail along the edge that’s growing into the skin and remove the nail, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians.
IncisionIn more severe cases, surgical excision is needed, especially if the nail is deformed. You have the option of a local or general anesthetic, although you’ll likely feel no pain during the operation whether you’re asleep or awake, according to Premier Podiatry. Sometimes the entire nail will need to be removed. If the ingrown nail is surgically removed, mild to moderate discomfort will result after the procedure.
AftercareKeep your foot elevated for a few hours after the procedure. An antibiotic ointment should be applied at least twice per day and the area will remain bandaged until healed to prevent an infection. You should also soak the foot in salt water for 15 minutes twice a day. If you had a partial nail removal using a chemical solution, rest for one night. If you had a surgical excision, rest for two to three days, according to Premier Podiatry. A surgical excision requires stitches, so keep these clean and dry until the podiatrist removes them in two weeks. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, wear loose fitting shoes and avoid strenuous activities for two weeks. An over-the-counter acetaminophen or ibuprofen can be used to relieve discomfort.
PreventionTo prevent future ingrown toenails, wear shoes that do not squeeze your toes because that can cause the toenail to bend into the skin. Cut your toenails straight across instead of arching them. If you have a naturally low arch on the side of your toenails, make an appointment with a podiatrist to have the nails groomed properly.
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