Facebook could own $ 10 billion from ads

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  • Sunday, February 19, 2012
  • by
  • angco.co
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  • Largest social networking world earn about $ 4 billion per year from advertising and the number keeps increasing. With this dizzying momentum, is very likely that the revenue from Facebook's advertising will rise to $ 5 billion or even more than in 2012. This has led many to question the limited growth for revenue from advertising giant Facebook .

    Facebook could own $ 10 billion from advertising, information technology, Facebook, Facebook kiem $ 10 billion, Facebook, social networks, how
    CEO Simon Mansell of TBG Digital companies (management companies and sell advertising for Facebook) decided to explore this based on current data of Facebook.
    With no additional assumptions a Facebook ad placement on the site, the cost per user unchanged, the number of not more than 800 million users while Facebook has changed the entire advertising sales exist in and its ad inventory, Simon Mansell have calculated the following data:

    Each month a user access to 798 pages on Facebook. Estimate of 798 pages has 20% to 80% Facebook page is related pages remaining.
    On average, each month, a user will get: 160 pages x 1 = 160 ads displayed on the homepage.
    Altogether 850 million users will receive 160 million x 850 display = 136 billion shown on the homepage.

    Cost per 1000 impressions for users of Facebook is $ 2.5, ie each show cost $ 0.0025, with 136 billion of this number will show the cost of $ 340 million.
    The relevant pages besides the home page, the average January 2552 users get displayed. With advertising costs less than 10 times, this array giving Facebook more than 477 million USD. 2 frames plus revenue from advertising, Facebook each month receive $ 340 million + 477 million = $ 817 million. So each year the number reached $ 9.8 billion - a huge number.


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