While we’ve had rumors about the upcoming version of SkyDrive earlier today, Microsoft has decided to write about how SkyDrive will function when it arrives later this year on Windows 8. According to them, it won’t be just another web app for the upcoming desktop/tablet operating system. SkyDrive will have a Metro style app for Windows 8 Metro UI, Windows Explorer integration on the classic desktop mode, and of course the ability to grab files off SkyDrive.com as well.
The SkyDrive for Metro will be a fast, fluid, touch-first version of SkyDrive that makes it quick, easy and even fun to browse and access your files (I wonder how fun can something so mundane be), and will be available for use from any Metro style app via the file picker and new Share charm in Windows 8. For the classic desktop version, you’ll get easy drag-and-drop upload and download support for SkyDrive, anywhere access to your data, offline access, and the ability to use Windows Explorer for managing your files and folders. The desktop version will also support uploads for files of up to 2GB in size – a feature that SkyDrive users have wanted for a long time.
Lastly, SkyDrive.com can turn your whole PC into a personal cloud storage locker – which means everything you choose to share on your computer (which could be terabytes of files) can be easily accessed through the SkyDrive website – and you don’t even have to deal with uploading. Just stream everything you want. Microsoft sure is making a lot of advances with its cloud storage service. Hit the source link to read up more about the upcoming SkyDrive.
The SkyDrive for Metro will be a fast, fluid, touch-first version of SkyDrive that makes it quick, easy and even fun to browse and access your files (I wonder how fun can something so mundane be), and will be available for use from any Metro style app via the file picker and new Share charm in Windows 8. For the classic desktop version, you’ll get easy drag-and-drop upload and download support for SkyDrive, anywhere access to your data, offline access, and the ability to use Windows Explorer for managing your files and folders. The desktop version will also support uploads for files of up to 2GB in size – a feature that SkyDrive users have wanted for a long time.
Lastly, SkyDrive.com can turn your whole PC into a personal cloud storage locker – which means everything you choose to share on your computer (which could be terabytes of files) can be easily accessed through the SkyDrive website – and you don’t even have to deal with uploading. Just stream everything you want. Microsoft sure is making a lot of advances with its cloud storage service. Hit the source link to read up more about the upcoming SkyDrive.
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