The Best Solution For Glowing Skin

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  • Monday, December 26, 2011
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  • Skin care is a very old phenomenon which is spreading all around the globe rapidly. Due to fast access of electronic media people are getting more awareness about fashion and beauty than the past times. That’s why they are becoming more beauty conscious. Skin is the most important feature when we talk about the looks. There are many kinds of products available in the market for skin care and beauty enhancement. All these products are the result of a constant research by the scientists.
    Allergan is a name that is considered the best for making the most effective skin tonics. To cope up with market competition Allergan has introduced a new skin care line named as VIVITÉ. This is actually a glycolic compound which revitalizes the skin and reduces aging signs. The inclusion of latest GLX technology makes VIVITÉ the ultimate solution for skin prettiness. Originally the glycolic acid is found in sugar cane. It has the smaller molecular size due to which it is considered more effective than any other thing. It can reach deep inside the skin easily and creates a guard against developing aging signs.

    How GLX technology works?

    The glycolic acid belongs to alpha hydroxyl acid family, which has been used as skin tonic for thousands of years. It is so because it removes the dead skin cells and replaces them with new cells. That’s why skin looks firm, tight, glowing and young. It removes fine lines, wrinkles and aged spots.  Among all alpha hydroxyl acids the glycolic acid has the smallest molecular size due to which it is believed to be the most effective for making skin care products. This acid can be extracted from sugar cane as well as can be made synthetically.

    Due to the small size of molecules glycolic acid when penetrates deep inside the skin, it weakens the binding ability of lipids (fats) which holds the dead skin cells close. After weakening the binding it removes them from epidermis and new layer of underlying cells comes up and takes place. Besides removing dead cells the glycolic acid in VIVITÉ also reduces the volume of skin oil on epidermal layer. This ultimately removes black heads and other impurities from the skin. It also impulses the production of collagen inside the dermis the layer lying under epidermis.

    All such properties of glycolic acid make it inevitable for skin nourishing usage. That’s why VIVITÉ range got to add it in her ingredients. For many people it is an ultimate solution.


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