Besides Hiroko is also equipped with windshields and layers glass window of the car has an area twice the regular cars so users will be very easy to observe when parking in tight places without fear and touches. A small part of it comes from Hiroko also been designed with only two seats.
One of the features that make electric vehicles become especially Hiriko it has a "robot wheel" that can move to shrink the length of the car. Each wheel is integrated with an engine in and is controlled by the braking system and electric start. This car can go a long way 75 miles equivalent to 120 km without recharging.
Hiriko spybot is one of cooperation and development projects for the car's major cities with Denokinn MIT. Hiriko a Basque name set by the association, its Japanese name is derived from the Hiri (town, city) and kotxe (cars).
Electric Cars Hiriko would have cost £ 11,000 equivalent to $ 17,430, a quite reasonable price to make them more popular with the people of the city. The European Commission hopes this vehicle will become a public transport are all people use every day. Meanwhile, the Association of Basque companies also expressed their wish to Hiroko can be widely used in Europe and America. This car will officially be commercialized in 2013.
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