Known for BST-themed kitschy, Moschino fashion show unveiled the design characterized stylish cowboy on the 3rd day of Milan fashion week. Especially, in the stifling air and bleak economic crisis, "no brake slipping," creative director - Rossella Jardini still want to paint a glowing picture of flavor, full of hope with the freshest color palette. The colors red, yellow canary birds dance mixed with blue, cobalt blue and pink, like the notes all play their music live joyful, youthful.
To be more specific, Moschino paints a picture cowgirls sophisticated and naughty with flak jackets float the young, neat. The flak jackets, trousers taper point out some powerful vignettes warm heart.Sawtooth pattern or coin is one of the markers of interest in this BST.
Not too stiff and bold masculinity, Moschino has cleverly softens the "rebellious teenager" with fresh colors, textures skirts spread out young and sexy glasses. A bow to the will make her less cowboy curb the rebellion.
Rossella Jardini seems profoundly affected the culture of the Wild West. So so every fashion week comes, she urged the faithful to travel with the hectic pace, the bustling horse hooves, and jubilant dance of nomadic culture.
Invite you to look at the stylish cowgirls Moschino:
Moschino makes strong cowgirls also become more sexy.
The colors red, yellow canary birds dance mixed with blue, cobalt blue and pink, like the notes all play their music live joyful, youthful.
The flak jackets, trousers taper point out some powerful vignettes warm heart.
To be more specific, Moschino paints pictures of cowgirls and stylish patterns played with youthful coat, neat.
Not too stiff and bold masculinity, Moschino has cleverly softens the "rebellious teenager" with fresh colors, textures skirts spread out young and sexy glasses
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