Visiting China VP urges US to "promote trust"

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  • Wednesday, February 15, 2012
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    Xi Jinping : "It is all the more important for China and the US to communicate, coordinate and co-operate more closely."
    WASHINGTON,February 14,2012(AFP)-Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping said Washington should adopt "concrete measures to promote mutual trust" at the start of a visit to the United States.
    Xi, widely expected to become China's next leader, will later Tuesday meet US President Barack Obama in a key early test for Washington's relations with the man on course to lead the Asian power for the next decade.
    "We hope the US side could view China in an objective and rational way, and adopt concrete measures to promote mutual trust, especially to properly and discreetly handle the issues concerning the core interests of China," he said Monday, in remarks carried by the official Xinhua news agency.
    "We should deal with friction and differences in bilateral economic and trade cooperation in the spirit of seeking mutual benefits and win-win results through a positive and constructive way," he said.
    Xi also expressed hope that US election-year politics would not have a "regrettable impact" on ties between the world's two largest economies.
    He spoke during a meeting here with several former top US officials, including former secretaries of state Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright, in his first event in a week-long visit to the United States.
    Xi, who arrived in Washington on Monday, isPresident Hu Jintao in 2013. Chinese presidents generally serve two five-year terms, meaning Xi could be in charge when some experts forecast that China will surpass the United States as the world's largest economy.
    The 58-year-old is expected to try to show a gentler side to the US public -- and perhaps also to television viewers in China -- when he tours the farm state of Iowa, where he paid a formative first US visit in 1985, and Los Angeles.
    The United States and China have had an increasingly fractious relationship, and US officials have pledged to press Xi on concerns including China's currency, which US lawmakers say is undervalued to boost its exports.
    The dispute has been amplified in debates among Republican candidates battling for the right to take on Obama in November presidential elections, who have accused the president of being soft on Beijing.
    China has watched uneasily as the Obama administration steps up military ties with its neighbors including the Philippines and Vietnam, which have turned to the United States amid heated territorial disputes with Beijing.
    In a written interview with The Washington Post, Xi said that he welcomed a "constructive" US role in East Asia's security but warned not to "deliberately give prominence to the military security agenda."
    But in an unusual step, Xi will Tuesday visit the Pentagon and be welcomed with a full honor ceremony with music and cannons, weather permitting.
    US officials have repeatedly sought greater defense cooperation with China, hoping to find out more about how it is spending its growing defense budget and also to reduce the potential for unintentional clashes.
    "Our military posture in the Asia-Pacific region is not geared toward any one country. We have an arc of interest that stretches from Japan and Korea all the way down to Australia and across India," Pentagon spokesman George Little told reporters.
    "We'll maintain a strong military presence in the region because of these varied interests and I'm sure that will be one of the topics discussed in the meeting with the vice president," Little said.
    Tuesday amounts to a major day of diplomacy for China, with Premier Wen Jiabao holding a summit in Beijing with the European Union that is expected to touch on the Iranian nuclear row and escalating violence in Syria.
    US officials who have met Xi generally describe him as more extroverted and spontaneous than the famously wooden Hu. Xi, by all accounts, had a favorable impression of the United States when he visited Iowa in 1985 and his daughter attends Harvard University.
    But Xi's priorities remain a mystery to China watchers in the United States. Some experts believe he will have little room for maneuver unless he proves his authority on the Politburo's consensus-driven Standing Committee.
    Xi has spoken little in public about the lessons from his father Xi Zhongxun, a noted communist revolutionary who fell out of favor with Chinese leader Mao Zedong and was subjected to one of his infamous political purges.
    Human rights groups say that China has carried out a sweeping clampdown on dissent since last year, likely in fear of the influence of revolts that have overthrown authoritarian leaders in the Arab world.
    Residents say China has also recently imposed virtual martial law in Tibetan areas after at least 19 Tibetans set themselves on fire to protest what they see as a lack of religious and political rights under Beijing's rule.
    Flag-waving Tibetans marched through Washington to greet Xi. Four activists were briefly arrested on the Arlington Memorial Bridge, a major thoroughfare into Washington, for hanging up a banner that read: "Xi Jinping: Tibet Will be Free."
    Lhadon Tethong, an activist with Students for a Free Tibet, said the group put up the banner to draw attention to the "all-out assault" in Tibet along with China's diplomatic support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
    "Xi Jinping is the last person that we believe President Obama should basically have a date with on Valentine's Day," she said.
    "He represents everything counter to what Americans believe about human rights, freedom, democracy and dignity of people," she said.


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