Before, to be diagnosed with the big C seemed to be an implied death sentence. Patients even go through a stage of self-denial. Who can blame them? Conventional medicine paints a rather bleak future for cancer patients and the remedy it offers does nothing to improve their quality of life, nausea and falling hair not to mention.
However, the recent breakthroughs in science have allowed a peek into the true nature of cancer, allowing researchers to consider the concept of nutritional care. They are now faced with the idea that preventing and maybe even reversing cancer may not necessarily involve the development of expensive drugs but something already available in nature: food and sunshine!
Just the facts
If something so powerful is actually available for everyone, why wouldn't someone take advantage of it?
The recent discovery that the body, with the help of vitamin D, possesses the capacity to fight many chronic illnesses has spurred the interest of many researchers - especially on the possibilities the sunshine vitamin can offer with regard to the prevention and reversal of diseases like cancer. A brief rundown of some facts, revealed by recent studies, can give us a perspective on how vitamin D can help.
1. Vitamin D slashes cancer risk by 77 percent.
A study was conducted involving 1, 179 healthy Nebraskan women who were divided into a control group and a placebo group. In the four years the study was conducted, the group who was receiving vitamin D and calcium supplements revealed a 60 percent decrease in cancers as compared to the placebo group.
2. Vitamin D can prevent cancer.
According to the National Cancer Institute, 80 percent of cancer cases can be prevented. Having a healthy and balanced diet can prevent cancer. An example would be a diet that is low in refined sugar and processed meat and high in fruits, leafy vegetables and vitamin D from dietary sources or the sun. Studies have shown that a diet high in animal products and dairy that contain hormones and saturated fat cause breast cancer.
3. Sunshine offers powerful healing.
In a study conducted by the French in 2011 on 60,000 post menopausal women, it was discovered that women with increased levels of vitamin D obtained through diet and supplement reduced their risk of breast cancer. These vitamin D levels received a great boost when these women were exposed to actual sunshine.
Which leads us to suspect that...
4. There are private interests involved.
The medical establishment's dismissive take on vitamin D and its effects on cancer cannot seriously be taken in the light of new research supporting the effect of vitamin D on cancer. One cannot help but be suspicious of this rather cold shoulder treatment, especially when non-profit organizations that supposedly support the active search for a cure have financial ties with pharmaceutical companies, mammography equipment companies and other organizations that profit from cancer. Moreover, research on vitamin D is a threat to the cancer industry because it shows a way of dealing with cancer for free.
5. Chemotherapy does not work.
One of the current remedies offered by conventional medicine when dealing with cancer is chemotherapy. Let it be said once and for all: chemotherapy does not have any positive effect on cancer. There is no scientific evidence that supports such fact. It shrinks tumors, but it doesn't initiate the healing that needs to take place to reverse cancer and to stay cancer free. What's more, its side effects are well documented - effects that worsen the patient's condition instead of improving it.
6. The recommended daily allowance of vitamin D does not provide cancer prevention benefits.
The revised recommended daily intake provided for vitamin D (600 IU for children and adults until 70 years old and 800 IU for adults above 70) has been criticized as below the required levels that provide anti-cancer effects. According to Dr. Cedric Garland, recent studies have shown that daily intakes of vitamin D by adults along the range of 4,000 - 8,000 IU is necessary to maintain the vitamin D blood levels needed to reduce the risk of several diseases including cancer.
7. Exposure to the sun does not necessarily cause skin cancer.
A study conducted by researchers from Leeds University in 2009 found that increased levels of vitamin D were linked to improved skin cancer survival odds. Since most people are vitamin D deficient, it has left them vulnerable to a host of other diseases including cancer. The advantages of getting enough sun exposure far outweigh the disadvantages that are now being questioned by breakthrough science.
8. Cancer can be inherited.
The idea that cancer runs in families is a popular theme in the medical establishment. However, tons of research has now shown that cancer can be avoided through the maintenance of increased vitamin D levels in the blood. If a direct ancestor had cancer, chances are they were exposed to cancer causing agents like cigarette smoke, skin care products or chemical solvents. By identifying and avoiding these agents, you have lowered your chances of getting cancer.
9. Watch what you eat.
Our nutrition actually determines our health. Recent findings have shown that the prevention and treatment of cancer may not necessarily be solved by an expensive drug but something that has always been available to us - good food. According to a new study by researchers from the Harvard School of Public health, men who eat fish five times a week run a 40 percent lower risk of developing colorectal cancer, , and fish is an excellent source of vitamin D.
We are now at a point in time when we can choose our healing process. Having the courage to avail of other methods than what is offered by conventional medicine may spell the difference between a better quality of life and a difficult and questionable recovery. Cancer prevention is now a matter of choice. We can avoid it or we can invite it. It's all up to us.
However, the recent breakthroughs in science have allowed a peek into the true nature of cancer, allowing researchers to consider the concept of nutritional care. They are now faced with the idea that preventing and maybe even reversing cancer may not necessarily involve the development of expensive drugs but something already available in nature: food and sunshine!
Just the facts
If something so powerful is actually available for everyone, why wouldn't someone take advantage of it?
The recent discovery that the body, with the help of vitamin D, possesses the capacity to fight many chronic illnesses has spurred the interest of many researchers - especially on the possibilities the sunshine vitamin can offer with regard to the prevention and reversal of diseases like cancer. A brief rundown of some facts, revealed by recent studies, can give us a perspective on how vitamin D can help.
1. Vitamin D slashes cancer risk by 77 percent.
A study was conducted involving 1, 179 healthy Nebraskan women who were divided into a control group and a placebo group. In the four years the study was conducted, the group who was receiving vitamin D and calcium supplements revealed a 60 percent decrease in cancers as compared to the placebo group.
2. Vitamin D can prevent cancer.
According to the National Cancer Institute, 80 percent of cancer cases can be prevented. Having a healthy and balanced diet can prevent cancer. An example would be a diet that is low in refined sugar and processed meat and high in fruits, leafy vegetables and vitamin D from dietary sources or the sun. Studies have shown that a diet high in animal products and dairy that contain hormones and saturated fat cause breast cancer.
3. Sunshine offers powerful healing.
In a study conducted by the French in 2011 on 60,000 post menopausal women, it was discovered that women with increased levels of vitamin D obtained through diet and supplement reduced their risk of breast cancer. These vitamin D levels received a great boost when these women were exposed to actual sunshine.
Which leads us to suspect that...
4. There are private interests involved.
The medical establishment's dismissive take on vitamin D and its effects on cancer cannot seriously be taken in the light of new research supporting the effect of vitamin D on cancer. One cannot help but be suspicious of this rather cold shoulder treatment, especially when non-profit organizations that supposedly support the active search for a cure have financial ties with pharmaceutical companies, mammography equipment companies and other organizations that profit from cancer. Moreover, research on vitamin D is a threat to the cancer industry because it shows a way of dealing with cancer for free.
5. Chemotherapy does not work.
One of the current remedies offered by conventional medicine when dealing with cancer is chemotherapy. Let it be said once and for all: chemotherapy does not have any positive effect on cancer. There is no scientific evidence that supports such fact. It shrinks tumors, but it doesn't initiate the healing that needs to take place to reverse cancer and to stay cancer free. What's more, its side effects are well documented - effects that worsen the patient's condition instead of improving it.
6. The recommended daily allowance of vitamin D does not provide cancer prevention benefits.
The revised recommended daily intake provided for vitamin D (600 IU for children and adults until 70 years old and 800 IU for adults above 70) has been criticized as below the required levels that provide anti-cancer effects. According to Dr. Cedric Garland, recent studies have shown that daily intakes of vitamin D by adults along the range of 4,000 - 8,000 IU is necessary to maintain the vitamin D blood levels needed to reduce the risk of several diseases including cancer.
7. Exposure to the sun does not necessarily cause skin cancer.
A study conducted by researchers from Leeds University in 2009 found that increased levels of vitamin D were linked to improved skin cancer survival odds. Since most people are vitamin D deficient, it has left them vulnerable to a host of other diseases including cancer. The advantages of getting enough sun exposure far outweigh the disadvantages that are now being questioned by breakthrough science.
8. Cancer can be inherited.
The idea that cancer runs in families is a popular theme in the medical establishment. However, tons of research has now shown that cancer can be avoided through the maintenance of increased vitamin D levels in the blood. If a direct ancestor had cancer, chances are they were exposed to cancer causing agents like cigarette smoke, skin care products or chemical solvents. By identifying and avoiding these agents, you have lowered your chances of getting cancer.
9. Watch what you eat.
Our nutrition actually determines our health. Recent findings have shown that the prevention and treatment of cancer may not necessarily be solved by an expensive drug but something that has always been available to us - good food. According to a new study by researchers from the Harvard School of Public health, men who eat fish five times a week run a 40 percent lower risk of developing colorectal cancer, , and fish is an excellent source of vitamin D.
We are now at a point in time when we can choose our healing process. Having the courage to avail of other methods than what is offered by conventional medicine may spell the difference between a better quality of life and a difficult and questionable recovery. Cancer prevention is now a matter of choice. We can avoid it or we can invite it. It's all up to us.
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