Almost everyone wants to improve their love life, find the perfect partner and have better sex. Some of the biggest pharmaceutical sales in history come from performance-enhancing drugs. What about using natural inducements for romance such as chocolate-dipped strawberries, grapes or truffles? Add some of these delectable delights to your arsenal of temptations and woo your lover into bliss.
Sensual foods
Chocolate -- Chocolate works like no other food to stimulate human sexuality. It's delicious, melts on the tongue and has an erotic quality even when not thinking of sex. According to Amy Reiley in her book, "Romancing the Stove: The Unabridged Guide to Aphrodisiac Foods," chocolate helps thin the blood, improve circulation to sensitive parts and strengthen the heart enabling aiding endurance.
Strawberries --Try them dipped in chocolate for the ultimate aphrodisiac experience. There's really nothing that compares with grasping the little green leaves on top of a juicy strawberry dipped in luscious dark chocolate, and placing it between your lover's parted lips.
Espresso --With its pleasingly bitter tang and exotic scent, expressohelps to pump the blood. In her aphrodisiac cookbook, "The New InterCourses," Martha Hopkins recommends espresso for its ability to extend sexual performance and maintain the libido, increasing pleasure even for just a few delicious extra seconds.
Oysters -- Oystershave a long reputation for being a leading aphrodisiac. They're high in protein, low in fat and feel luscious in the mouth. And of even greater importance, they're high in the mineral zinc, says Reiley, an critical nutrient in the production of testosterone.
Asparagus --If it looks like something you're familiar with, it should. The asparagus resembles part of the male body and according to the "Doctrine of Signatures", penned in the 16th century, that which resembles one thing may improve that which it looks like. So, according to the theory, if it resembles a sexual organ, it is meant by nature to aid your sexuality. Even though the Doctrine was merely a theory, it's now known that asparagus is rich in calcium, vitamin E, phosphorus and potassium, offering extra energy to improve sexual endurance and stimulate sex hormones.
Ginger and Cayenne --Both of theseplay a role in the aphrodisiac department by encouraging increased, oxygen-rich blood flow to some of the body's most sensitive areas -- And that translates to greater pleasure.
Rosemary --This delicious herb associated with Aphrodite, the goddess of love, also boosts blood supply and helps increase sensitivity of the skin. Include it in your cooking and sprinkle a few drops of essential oil in the bath.
Bananas -- Bananas are another go-to aphrodisiac food not only because they resemble the male phallus, but because they are high in nutrients that enhance the production of sex hormones.
Basil -- Basil was used long ago by women as a scent of seduction to drive their men wild with desire. It's a strong aphrodisiac and is infused into some perfumes. Use it in a salad, a pesto or just leave some of the fresh leaves around to entice your man.
Pomegranate -- Pomegranate symbolized the love goddess Aphrodite in ancient Greece, notes Reiley. Modern researchers are conducting studies into the affects of pomegranate juice for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.
Truffles -- Trufflesare a great aphrodisiac for the woman in your life. They're rich in amino acids and their scent is similar to that of a male pheromone, or sex hormone.
Grapes -- Grapes areassociated with Bacchus, the Roman god of ecstasy, and are a close contender with chocolate for being the top aphrodisiac. What could be more romantic than being fed peeled grapes, one by one by your lover, and waiting for that juicy, sweet explosion of flavor in your mouth?
Sensual foods
Chocolate -- Chocolate works like no other food to stimulate human sexuality. It's delicious, melts on the tongue and has an erotic quality even when not thinking of sex. According to Amy Reiley in her book, "Romancing the Stove: The Unabridged Guide to Aphrodisiac Foods," chocolate helps thin the blood, improve circulation to sensitive parts and strengthen the heart enabling aiding endurance.
Strawberries --Try them dipped in chocolate for the ultimate aphrodisiac experience. There's really nothing that compares with grasping the little green leaves on top of a juicy strawberry dipped in luscious dark chocolate, and placing it between your lover's parted lips.
Espresso --With its pleasingly bitter tang and exotic scent, expressohelps to pump the blood. In her aphrodisiac cookbook, "The New InterCourses," Martha Hopkins recommends espresso for its ability to extend sexual performance and maintain the libido, increasing pleasure even for just a few delicious extra seconds.
Oysters -- Oystershave a long reputation for being a leading aphrodisiac. They're high in protein, low in fat and feel luscious in the mouth. And of even greater importance, they're high in the mineral zinc, says Reiley, an critical nutrient in the production of testosterone.
Asparagus --If it looks like something you're familiar with, it should. The asparagus resembles part of the male body and according to the "Doctrine of Signatures", penned in the 16th century, that which resembles one thing may improve that which it looks like. So, according to the theory, if it resembles a sexual organ, it is meant by nature to aid your sexuality. Even though the Doctrine was merely a theory, it's now known that asparagus is rich in calcium, vitamin E, phosphorus and potassium, offering extra energy to improve sexual endurance and stimulate sex hormones.
Ginger and Cayenne --Both of theseplay a role in the aphrodisiac department by encouraging increased, oxygen-rich blood flow to some of the body's most sensitive areas -- And that translates to greater pleasure.
Rosemary --This delicious herb associated with Aphrodite, the goddess of love, also boosts blood supply and helps increase sensitivity of the skin. Include it in your cooking and sprinkle a few drops of essential oil in the bath.
Bananas -- Bananas are another go-to aphrodisiac food not only because they resemble the male phallus, but because they are high in nutrients that enhance the production of sex hormones.
Basil -- Basil was used long ago by women as a scent of seduction to drive their men wild with desire. It's a strong aphrodisiac and is infused into some perfumes. Use it in a salad, a pesto or just leave some of the fresh leaves around to entice your man.
Pomegranate -- Pomegranate symbolized the love goddess Aphrodite in ancient Greece, notes Reiley. Modern researchers are conducting studies into the affects of pomegranate juice for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.
Truffles -- Trufflesare a great aphrodisiac for the woman in your life. They're rich in amino acids and their scent is similar to that of a male pheromone, or sex hormone.
Grapes -- Grapes areassociated with Bacchus, the Roman god of ecstasy, and are a close contender with chocolate for being the top aphrodisiac. What could be more romantic than being fed peeled grapes, one by one by your lover, and waiting for that juicy, sweet explosion of flavor in your mouth?
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