Germany pledges additional about 10 million dollars for flood repair measures in Cambodia

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  • Wednesday, January 18, 2012
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  • The embassy of Germany here said on Tuesday that it will contribute additional about 10 million dollars for flood repair measures in Cambodia.
    Being highly alerted by the long-term fallout resulting from the worst floods for a Decade in 2011, the Embassy is all the more pleased to announce that the German government has recently agreed to make available an additional amount of 8 million EUR (approx. 10 million USD) to finance the project “Flood repair measures for rural infrastructures” in six of the provinces severely affected by the floods, namely Siem Reap, Kampong Thom, Kampong Cham, Kampong Chhnang, Kratie and Prey Veng.
    “ The planned repair measures will primarily focus on basic rural infrastructure such as roads, bridges, culverts, constructions for drainage and irrigation but may also include the repair and reconstruction of damaged schools and health centres.” it said, adding that the planned measures are designed to allow the rural population to regain access to economic and social infrastructure in the medium- and long-term.
    “they will be able again to sell their agricultural products at local and regional markets and reach schools and health centres.” Apart from the flood repair measures, Germany is very engaged in various programs of technical and financial cooperation for rural development.”
    The flood this year killed over 250 Cambodians and it destroyed over 10 per cent of totally rice paddies in kingdom. over one million people affected.


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