Your Eyeshadow is Too Dark
One of the most common errors that we make when we are applying makeup is that we lay the eyeshadow on just a tad too thick. If you think that your eyeshadow is too dark, here are some quick fixes for you:
The eyelid: The best way to try and reduce the appearance of dark eyeshadow on the upper eyelid is to try and blend and blur the eyeshadow that you have applied towards the edges of your eye. A firm, clean blending eyeshadow blush will do the trick best, though you can also use your finger. If your eyeshadow still appears too dark, then take a matte eyeshadow or matte eyeshadow product and use that to help blend in the eyeshadow
The crease: If you feel that your crease is a bit too dark, then take a clean sponge and apply a very, very light covering of foundation over the color. Blend as required.
The brow bone: The best way to help blend in any sort of eyeshadow around the brow bone is to take a brush or a Q-Tip and blend the color up, out and away from your eye.
Your Blush is Too Dark
Too much blush? No problem! The best way to take care of this is to take a loose powder brush and stroke the blush area with that brush. That will take away a lot of the surface blush. If you still need to lessen the appearance of the blush, then applying either a translucent or clear powder with that brush just above the blush will held blend in the blush and make it appear more natural.
Your Foundation is Too Thick
If you have that caked-on appearance, then it means that you have applied too much foundation to your face. The best way to take care of this is to take a make up sponge and to lightly moisten it with water. Then, take the sponge and gently move it in a downward action over the areas that have too much foundation.
TIP: This same process can be used to remove any excessive concealer from your skin.
Your Mascara has Smeared on your Face
No matter how well practiced you may be at applying mascara, there will always be that one day out of 100 where you smear it on your skin. The easiest way to fix this is to treat it right as the wet mascara hits your skin. Take a Q-Tip, wet it slightly, and then remove the mascara by placing the Q-Tip overtop of it and moving it in a clockwise twisting motion. This will remove the makeup in 2 to 3 strokes.
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