The 5 Hidden Causes of Back Pain

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  • Monday, February 6, 2012
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    Back pain
    A lot of people experience having back pains once in a while. For some people, they experience back pain most of the time and the bad thing about this is that sometimes people do not even know the reasons why they are experiencing pain.
    Most of the time, people would associate back pain with doing something that required lifting like carrying heavy things or being too stressed out but then there are actually other causes of back pain that are not just caused by the things that we do in our everyday lives.
    The hidden causes of back pain are the following:
    -Trigger Points – Most people do not know about trigger points but there are actually some areas in our body that get affected when we move the wrong way or when we stay in one position for a very long time. Those who are working in the office usually complain that they feel so many aching muscles in their back and this is because they usually do not move around much or they have improper posture. Making sure that your posture is correct can help a lot in lessening back pain.
    -Muscle Imbalances – What a lot of people do not know is that the muscles tend to be imbalanced from time to time. This is usually caused by doing wrong exercises that might make one set of muscles stronger than the other muscles. When the muscles are not balanced, this will cause the other muscles to feel strained and thus, this will make the person feel pain.

    Stress – People under a lot of pressure tend to feel more problems than usual. People who are stressed out usually have high levels of different neurons that might trigger different responses. There are times when our body would feel pain even though we are not doing anything but if we are undergoing something stressful, it’s probably the mind’s way of expressing the stress physically.
    -Unknown Severe Injury – There are times when people do not realize that they have already hurt themselves seriously because they can still move around. There are instances when people have already developed different conditions because of wrong movement or sickness but because the cause was not addressed immediately the condition became even more serious.
    -Wrong Sleeping Position – People sometimes are aware of this but they do not think that having the right bed has to be considered serious. However, the way we sleep and the bed we sleep in have different effects on our back and the way we sleep might contribute to having back pain.
    Do remember that these causes of back pain can be treated depending on the severity of the condition. Most of the time, doctors would recommend people to move around more or become more aware of their present situation. Knowing more about these things will help you decipher the hidden reasons why you may be having back problems.


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