Foreign donors pledge $89 million to Khmer Rouge tribunal

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  • Tuesday, February 28, 2012
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  • PHNOM PENH (Herald) - Foreign donors including Australia, Britain, the European Union, Germany and Japan have pledged $89 million for the Khmer Rouge tribunal in 2012-2013, Rasmei Kampuchea reported Tuesday.

    The newspaper said the pledges were made during a visit to New York by Tony Kranh, acting director of administration at the UN-backed Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC), who returned to Cambodia on Monday.

    Court spokesman Neth Pheaktra was quoted as saying the pledges were good news for Cambodian staff at the court who have not been paid since October.

    "Some officials who handed temporary resignation letters to the court will resume their jobs sooner because donors have pledged aid to the court already and we expect to receive salaries," he reportedly said.

    The report said the Cambodian side of the hybrid court needed $10 million a year.


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