Sovannankor - This is great news for devotees of the "apple defect" because according to previous statistics, the iPad 2 cameras are very few people use, because the resolution is too low, only 0, 7 megapixel.

The earlier in March, Apple iPad news becomes hotter and hotter than ever before. Most recently, Page Apple Daily in Taiwan has revealed pictures of the back of the iPad 3. Accordingly, the tablet Apple's 3rd generation will be equipped with the 8 megapixel camera, a dramatic improvements if the iPad 2 that only 0.7 megapixel camera equipped and seldom used.
Some other parameters of the machine configuration was recently revealed, such as new chip A6 strong improvement of computer graphics, along with the 4G LTE network and large capacity battery to ensure structural powerful form of iPad 3.
In addition, the iPad 3 will likely be equipped with Retina screen resolution of 2024 x 1536 pixels and will be released on 7/3.
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