Senior Minister Om Yentieng said Thursday that the 96-member group came from different sectors including education, banking and finance, information technology, pharmaceuticals, health products, manufacturing, tourism, energy, food, real estate and transportation.
“They have come to study and explore for investment opportunities in Cambodia,” he said.
After meeting with the group, Economy and Finance Minister Keat Chhon was quoted as saying that that Cambodia was particularly promoting agriculture, agro-industry, tourism, mining, oil and gas, energy, transportation and telecommunications.
He said some of the businessmen asked about local lifestyles and the proposed mainstream hydropower projects on the Mekong River given Cambodia's high rate of fish consumption.
Om Yentieng said Keat Chhon told the Americans that Laos had been asked to delay such projects for 10 years to allow time for further studies. Keat Chhon also told his guests about Cambodian’s plan to boost rice exports to as much as two million tons a year, he said.
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