The victims were sent to Sampov Loun district’s hospital after Wednesday's incident, they said. Sampov Loun district’s police Chhit Seng said police were investigating the case, although no deaths had been reported.
80 poisoned after eating noodles
PHNOM PENH (CEN) - At least 80 people were poisoned after eating noodles at a house-warming ceremony in Phnom Prek district of Battambang province, sources said.
The victims were sent to Sampov Loun district’s hospital after Wednesday's incident, they said. Sampov Loun district’s police Chhit Seng said police were investigating the case, although no deaths had been reported.
The victims were sent to Sampov Loun district’s hospital after Wednesday's incident, they said. Sampov Loun district’s police Chhit Seng said police were investigating the case, although no deaths had been reported.
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