Sprint announced today at the annual International Technology & Persons with Disabilities Conference that it will be offering Code Factory’s Mobile Accessibility app for Android devices for free to its Sprint, Boost Mobile and Virgin Mobile USA customers. The app which normally costs $99 on the Android Market is designed for people who are blind or visually impaired and for elderly individuals who cannot read print on smartphones because of physical, perceptual, developmental, cognitive or learning disabilities. The app features a simplified UI and textual information that is spoken aloud with voice synthesis to help users who have trouble seeing with the usage of their Android devices.
So for those of you who have problems seeing or know of any Sprint customers with the same problems, be sure to check out the app on the Android Market. I can’t vouch for the usefulness of the app (I’m not on Sprint, and I don’t require such accessibility apps) but since it’s free anyway you can give it a shot. Head here for the English version and here for the Spanish version.
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