290b Child Rights, Classroom and School Management
Part 1: September 17 - October 11, 2012Part 2: 10 days in March, 2013
Part 1: LundSwedenPart 2: One of the participating countries
Number of participants
Target Region
Closing date for applications
May 3, 2012Invitation
The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) is a government agency responsible for the major part of Sweden’s development cooperation. Focus on long-term knowledge and competence development constitutes a major feature in all development cooperation.
Sida offers, as part of its bilateral development assistance, Advanced International Training Programmes of strategic importance to the social and economic development of cooperating countries based on identified priorities and needs. In the long-term perspective the programmes shall contribute to institutional strengthening and capacity development in the cooperating countries.
These programmes aim at enhancing managerial and technical skills and cover subjects of strategic importance to economic and social development. The Training Programmes are designed for experienced executives from middle and top management positions in their respective organisations.
With the Training Programmes, Sida aims to contribute to processes of change and development in the participants' organisations and lines of businesses. The foundation of the entire programme is a project assignment. The assignment shall be well established in the participants’ organisations and it is a basic part of the programme concept.
In co-operation with Lund University a Human Rights Education (HRE) programme covering Child Rights, Classroom and School Management has been developed. The rights to, in and through education are the guiding principles in the course and the whole training programme has a child rights-based approach. This programme is also designed to give opportunities to compare and share experience with participants from other countries while taking into consideration the Convention of the Rights of the Child, Education for All and other internationally agreed instruments. A rights-based approach has the potential of contributing to the broader efforts of improving educational quality and impact. Schools and classrooms that are protective, inclusive, child-centred, democratic and encourage active participation have the potential to solve problems such as non-attendance, dropout and low completion rates, which are common in developing countries. Child-centred content and teaching learning processes that are adequate to the child’s developmental level, abilities, and learning style promote effective learning. A child rights based approach may also enhance teachers’ capacity, morale, commitment, status and income. Negative attitudes may be altered through the practice of conflict resolution, democracy, tolerance and respect in the classroom. Lund University has conducted the programme since 2003, under the auspices of Sida, so far more than 300 change agents have completed the programme. Starting in 2010 the programme has been redesigned after a public tender. The training programme, which is to be conducted in English, is designed for those holding positions at School, Intermediate and Central level of the education sector. Preferably a team representing the levels mentioned consisting of three people from each country should apply. The team is expected to work together throughout the training programme. The number of participants is limited to 30 (from 10 countries) in order to ensure a close working relationship between participants and lecturers. We hereby invite you to nominate candidates.
Sida offers, as part of its bilateral development assistance, Advanced International Training Programmes of strategic importance to the social and economic development of cooperating countries based on identified priorities and needs. In the long-term perspective the programmes shall contribute to institutional strengthening and capacity development in the cooperating countries.
These programmes aim at enhancing managerial and technical skills and cover subjects of strategic importance to economic and social development. The Training Programmes are designed for experienced executives from middle and top management positions in their respective organisations.
With the Training Programmes, Sida aims to contribute to processes of change and development in the participants' organisations and lines of businesses. The foundation of the entire programme is a project assignment. The assignment shall be well established in the participants’ organisations and it is a basic part of the programme concept.
In co-operation with Lund University a Human Rights Education (HRE) programme covering Child Rights, Classroom and School Management has been developed. The rights to, in and through education are the guiding principles in the course and the whole training programme has a child rights-based approach. This programme is also designed to give opportunities to compare and share experience with participants from other countries while taking into consideration the Convention of the Rights of the Child, Education for All and other internationally agreed instruments. A rights-based approach has the potential of contributing to the broader efforts of improving educational quality and impact. Schools and classrooms that are protective, inclusive, child-centred, democratic and encourage active participation have the potential to solve problems such as non-attendance, dropout and low completion rates, which are common in developing countries. Child-centred content and teaching learning processes that are adequate to the child’s developmental level, abilities, and learning style promote effective learning. A child rights based approach may also enhance teachers’ capacity, morale, commitment, status and income. Negative attitudes may be altered through the practice of conflict resolution, democracy, tolerance and respect in the classroom. Lund University has conducted the programme since 2003, under the auspices of Sida, so far more than 300 change agents have completed the programme. Starting in 2010 the programme has been redesigned after a public tender. The training programme, which is to be conducted in English, is designed for those holding positions at School, Intermediate and Central level of the education sector. Preferably a team representing the levels mentioned consisting of three people from each country should apply. The team is expected to work together throughout the training programme. The number of participants is limited to 30 (from 10 countries) in order to ensure a close working relationship between participants and lecturers. We hereby invite you to nominate candidates.
Richard Stenelo
Director of Lund University Commissioned Education
Objectives and goals
From a development perspective, the overall objective of Child Rights, Classroom and School Management ITP programme is: “to improve participating countries’ capacity to offer and ensure everyone's right to relevant and quality education, an education that is safe and secure, inclusive, student-centred, democratic and problem-solving and that creates opportunities for all, regardless of background, to participate in community life as active citizens.” The main objective is change processes that will contribute to the realization of the intention of the Child Rights Convention in policy as well as in practice. The specific objectives of the training programme are for the participants to gain:
- Increased knowledge and understanding of the CRC.
- Increased knowledge and understanding of the Education for All (EFA) and MDGs targets, relevant international concepts such as child-friendly schools, inclusive education and education for democracy and human rights (EDHR) and other relevant international instruments.
- Increased knowledge and understanding of experiences, methods and tools for organizational change in general, and rights-based (participation, inclusive and transparent) and democratic methods and tools for change in particular.
- Knowledge and understanding of Swedish and other international methods for translating children's rights and democratic values into practice in schools and in the classroom.
- Expanded international and national networks to work with the CRC and other relevant international conventions and instruments.
- Increased knowledge and understanding of the Education for All (EFA) and MDGs targets, relevant international concepts such as child-friendly schools, inclusive education and education for democracy and human rights (EDHR) and other relevant international instruments.
- Increased knowledge and understanding of experiences, methods and tools for organizational change in general, and rights-based (participation, inclusive and transparent) and democratic methods and tools for change in particular.
- Knowledge and understanding of Swedish and other international methods for translating children's rights and democratic values into practice in schools and in the classroom.
- Expanded international and national networks to work with the CRC and other relevant international conventions and instruments.
Target Group
Preferably a team consisting of 3 people from each country representing the levels mentioned below should apply but individual applications are also welcome. All team applications should have a cover letter for each participant. The participants from the same country are expected to work together in the project for change.
The target groups for the training programme are persons working within the educational sector at three levels:For example
– At local level: headmasters, inspectors and educational advisers who are working with the development of methodology and management at school and classroom level in a number of schools (clusters);
– At intermediate level: officers and trainers responsible for educational activities at district or province level;
– At central level: teacher trainers, headmaster trainers, staff at institutes working with educational development and at Ministries of Education.
– At local level: headmasters, inspectors and educational advisers who are working with the development of methodology and management at school and classroom level in a number of schools (clusters);
– At intermediate level: officers and trainers responsible for educational activities at district or province level;
– At central level: teacher trainers, headmaster trainers, staff at institutes working with educational development and at Ministries of Education.
In addition to the above, the programme will be open to professional NGO staff, working in the field of Education and Human Rights, based in developing countries, as one member of the team. A necessary prerequisite is a university or a teacher training degree. Work experience of at least five years is also required. Participants should also be approximately 30-55 years of age and fluent in English. The teams should consist of a mix of men and women and be balanced regarding participants’ ages. Teams consisting of three applicants of same gender will not be considered. Applications should be endorsed by the applicant’s organisation.
Invited countries:
Africa: Burkina Faso, Egypt, Ethiopia, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Namibia, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia
Asia: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Vietnam.
Latin America: Bolivia and Colombia
Invited countries:
Africa: Burkina Faso, Egypt, Ethiopia, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Namibia, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia
Asia: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Vietnam.
Latin America: Bolivia and Colombia
The rights to, in and through education will be the guiding principles in the programme. The whole training programme has a child rights-based approach. The following topics will be included in the programme.·
- Policy documents and laws in the subject area related to human rights
- CRC, Education for All (EFA) and other internationally agreed instruments of central importance in this context,
- Key aspects of children's rights to, in and through education and their practical implications
- Democracy in the school and the school's role in society "citizenship", inclusive education, gender equality
- Opportunities to use Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to promote increased quality and increased access to information and knowledge
- Appropriate forms of leadership as well as organizational structures, forms and behaviour and a leaders' role in the various structures
- Difficult situations such as disciplinary measures, bullying, corporal punishment and sexual abuse and possibilities to make a change
- Importance of problem solving, critical thinking, participatory approach in the participants context
- Education for Sustainable Development as a holistic approach where social, economic and ecological issues are integrated.
- CRC, Education for All (EFA) and other internationally agreed instruments of central importance in this context,
- Key aspects of children's rights to, in and through education and their practical implications
- Democracy in the school and the school's role in society "citizenship", inclusive education, gender equality
- Opportunities to use Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to promote increased quality and increased access to information and knowledge
- Appropriate forms of leadership as well as organizational structures, forms and behaviour and a leaders' role in the various structures
- Difficult situations such as disciplinary measures, bullying, corporal punishment and sexual abuse and possibilities to make a change
- Importance of problem solving, critical thinking, participatory approach in the participants context
- Education for Sustainable Development as a holistic approach where social, economic and ecological issues are integrated.
The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) will cover the costs of:
- participation and training such as lectures, literature, documentation, study tours and certain social
activities - accommodation including board and lodging,
- international travel cost to and from Sweden
- international travel cost in connection to the fourth phase of the training programme.
Costs incurred in travelling to the nearest international airport as well as visa costs are to be paid by the
participants. All personal expenses have to be carried by the participants themselves.
participants. All personal expenses have to be carried by the participants themselves.
Organisation: Lund University Commissioned Education
Name: Emma Alfredsson
Lund University Commissioned Education
Box 117
221 00 Lund
Telephone: +4646-2220739
E-mail: emma.alfredsson@education.lu.se
Fax no: +4646-2220750
Organisation: Lund University Commissioned Education
Name: Emma Alfredsson
Lund University Commissioned Education
Box 117
221 00 Lund
Telephone: +4646-2220739
E-mail: emma.alfredsson@education.lu.se
Fax no: +4646-2220750
Moreinfo: https://itp.sida.se/itp/Programcatalog.nsf/0/A567E62EB2A1270BC12578F5004B1ACB?opendocument
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