A statement late Monday said the casino in Pailin, a former Khmer Rouge stronghold, was "strategically located on a growing trade route with solid infrastructure between Cambodia and Thailand" and that it would cater to "mass market and premium players from the major nearby cities in the region."
The initial phase opening in the second quarter will have up to 23 table games with initial capital investment by the company expected to be about $2.4 million for the design, construction and casino equipment, it said.
Entertainment Gaming Asia said it would have "exclusive management control" over the casino’s development and business operation, leasing the land from a local land owner and sharing 80 percent of the profit before depreciation and land lease expense.
"The company has first right to lease from the local land owner adjacent land to the initial phase of the project, where an existing and popular casino is currently in operation, to potentially develop additional phases," the statement said, adding that lease terms were 20 years with a renewal option.
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